Categories are used to Group the type of various Charges you apply within your business – i.e.
- Labour (LAB)
- Contract Hours (CONT)
- Consultancy (CSUL)
- Horticulture – Picking (PICK)
- Travel / Mileage (TRVL)
- Large Items (LRGE)
- Materials (MATL)
- Equipment (EQUP)
- Hire Equipment (HIRE)
- Repairs (REPR)
- Accommodation/Rental (ACOM)
- Advertising/Marketing (ADS)
- Expenses (EXPS)
- Freight (FRT)
Each Category has the following attributes that define how later activities are used:
- Name it something else – exactly that, create your own Category name that suits your business model
- Cost Margin % – apply here what % Margin you wish to apply to Items listed / allocated to this Charge category (they can be altered at JobTracker level)
- Charge Type – There are 2 (two) types of Unit Type charges that can apply to each Category which you need to select:
- “Non-Range” unit type – with this type you enter just the total “Quantity” you are charging, i.e. quantity of a particular Material Item or total kms or total hours etc
- “Range” unit type – with this type you enter a “Start” and “End” value to create the quantity you are charging, i.e. Labour Start Time and End Time or Equipment Start Time and End Time or Start kms and End kms etc
- Unit Type – There are 17 Non-Range Unit types to select from (Hours; Day; Metre; Kilogram etc) and only 2 Range Unit Types being Time & Kilometre.
- Account Code – Allocate a Code # here, where you want to record Costs / Margins / Total Values to be allocated against – assists with future Accounting purposes
- Sub-User Access – Here if you are using the COREX Plus subscription, you can allocate which additional Sub-Users can see this Category Tab on their Mobile for Input
- 6 dots – Clicking on these dots, will allow you to sort the order in which your Category Tabs will appear on Estimates / JobTrackers i.e. most used first